Class for generating embeddings using the Gradient AI's API. Extends the Embeddings class and implements GradientEmbeddingsParams and





batchSize: number
caller: AsyncCaller

The async caller should be used by subclasses to make any async calls, which will thus benefit from the concurrency and retry logic.

model: any
gradientAccessKey?: string

Gradient AI Access Token. Provide Access Token if you do not wish to automatically pull from env.

workspaceId?: string

Gradient Workspace Id. Provide workspace id if you do not wish to automatically pull from env.


  • Method to generate embeddings for an array of documents. Splits the documents into batches and makes requests to the Gradient API to generate embeddings.


    • texts: string[]

      Array of documents to generate embeddings for.

    Returns Promise<number[][]>

    Promise that resolves to a 2D array of embeddings for each document.

  • Method to generate an embedding for a single document. Calls the embedDocuments method with the document as the input.


    • text: string

      Document to generate an embedding for.

    Returns Promise<number[]>

    Promise that resolves to an embedding for the document.

  • Method to set the model to use for generating embeddings.

    Returns Promise<void>


    the class' model value to that of the retrieved Embeddings Model.

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